Friday, October 29, 2010

Cutest Halloween Costumes

This is my latest Etsy treasury I created today.  I just love to see all the cute costumes and kids around. 
Do you? 
You are welcome to click on the treasury and leave a comment there. Or just comment on this post. 
Happy Halloween! 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Etsy shop critique

for The Happy Tree Hugger

When I've seen this gorges avatar, I was very excited doing critique for this shop. Unfortunately after opening the page I didn't see what I was expecting.
I do not like the banner. I would expect something from the nature, the tree,  the happy huger, the positive energy.... Jewelry inspired by nature.  If you want to keep the background, use different font color. It's hard to read.

You have absolutely gorges and unique jewelry, but bad pictures.  You have some nice shots, but sometimes you are choosing wrong background for you silver tones. E.g. the picture in your avatar is very good.  But  other pictures are blending in your background, they don't pop up.

I am telling you again, your jewelry is GORGES and very professional looking! BUT You won't sell it, until you present it in better more professional way.
Take a look at this website  this is an example, how your jewelry might be presented.

This is a great picture (this picture should be first in your listing)

But what is this? 

I'd advise you to look around etsy, to find similar jewelry style and how it is presented.
This is very important for you, because once you have a great picture you'll get to the front page and you'll get sales. People are looking for jewelry like yours.

I know it's not easy to take great pictures, you need to invest into the light box and backgrounds. I think the dark background suits your jewelry better.

I couldn't resist and played with your pictures in photoshop (not a big difference, just a little touch) .


All other sections of the shop are good. I like your profile, how you explain the name of your shop.  

Facebook, Twitter, Blog - post it?

Professional presentation - this is what you need!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a note

I've been playing with the blog design. Do not wonder if the template changes during the day or week - it's still the same blog :o). I didn't have time to create a design for the header yet, but I hope I'll finish it this week.


I am looking for:

1.Interesting tutorials or "how to make..." descriptions for this blog. I love to create all kind of craft and art and I want to see a variety of projects. So please contact me if you are interested.

2. I am looking for international creative and talented people who would be interested to tell us about the Christmas/Holiday craft, traditions and how they celebrate this time of the year in their country.

Please contact me at martina[!at]

Thank you!

Treasury featuring new and undiscovered shops

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to display earrings in your online shop

As and online seller of handmade jewelry I know that pictures are very important  parts of the selling process. The way how you present the jewelry is very important. The buyer needs to see, how the jewelry looks like, how big is it and how does it look in someones ears or on someones neck.

After reading several forum post I realized that for some people is unacceptable to buy earrings previously worn by someone else. This is understandable. So how to display the earrings and show the real size?  The easy solution would be to use prongs, which I don't like. They look kind of weird.
One day I came across a post where the jewelry seller explained using a picture from a magazine to display earrings, and an other seller explained she just printed the picture from the computer. So, that was an idea...
I visited, searched for a woman head and purchased a picture. And then I just played with photoshop to get a real size of a woman head in black and white and printed it out. The last step was to glue the picture on a cardboard and pierce the ear.
And here is the result! I think it looks very realistic, and shows very well how the earring looks on a real person.

What do you think?

And this is a detailed picture. 

Etsy shop critique

  for Houghton Studio

This is a beautiful and colorful shop. It's very peaceful!

You don't have a great banner but because you have beautiful pictures in your featured items section, it kind of fits together.

You do a lot of watercolor paintings, but the word watercolor doesn't appear in your announcement. The words from your announcements are picked by google, when people search for items to buy. So if someone is looking for a watercolor painting with births, you shop won't show us.

Your pictures are great. But you  don't utilize all 5 spots for your pictures. Also people want to see, how the picture would look like in a frame on a wall etc... You don't need to frame it. Personally I prefer to buy unframed paintings and frame it, so it fits my house style. But you may do a suggestions, how the picture would like in a frame. There are softwares which can help you to  "frame" your painting, also photoshop can help. I am sure if you google it, you'll find something.

Here is one example:

This is a super cute picture. But how does it look like in real? Give me some perspective here. 

Beautiful shop, good luck! 

Etsy shop cirtique

for b.pfister designs

First I have to say, this is a very cool shop. I love people with great ideas, especially when it includes recycling and green art!

You recycle old china and make a beatiful jewelry. How unique. I love it.

Banner: is very nice
Avatar: too

You have to write a little bit more in your announcement. Use more words like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, green art, ....

I like your profile: boring research administrator who is turning in to a creative artist after work.  This sounds kind of familiar and I know exactly what are your talking about. Look at my profile m.saly jewelry :o)

Now your problem? Pictures!
You have couple very nice pictures and couple very bad pictures. You have to be consistend and produce the same quality of pictures all the time. If you are able to make nice pictures, why do you post the bad one?
Look at this example. This is how you present one of your items in one listing:

or this one looks like there are two different earrings:

When I buy this earrings, how would they look like on me? The left picture or the right one? 

And the last thing I want to say. You have to promote your jewelry. I don't see Facebook, Twitter or blog in your profile. You have to use social media or other marketing tools to bring traffic to your shop.  You have a great and unique idea, but you have to sell it! 

Good Luck!